Capital Raising Brokers And Remortgaging

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A capital Raising Mortgage is the same as a 2nd charge  Secured Home Loans or remortgaging homes. When funds are required for home improvements, renovations or even other reasons Remortgage Capital raising is an option. What a Capital Raising Mortgage is taken out, some funds from the equity are released.

This is also called remortgaging or a Second charge mortgage. This is essentially adding another mortgage loan to the existing loan with the house as security. This may be done for various reasons such as to reduce interest rates, consolidation of debts, insufficient funds for home renovations and more.

A Capital Raising Brokers aid will be useful in this. Just like with standard mortgages, affordability checks will be done by lenders. An application for a second charge mortgage will be placed with suitable lenders through Capital Raising Brokers and it will be processed as usual. The lender might ask for the purpose behind remortgaging but most likely will approve no matter the purpose. This is because it is a secured loan against the house.

As with secured home loans, the first lenders’ permission is a requirement for taking out a second charge loan. With Capital Raising Mortgage up to 75% of the house value can be borrowed, while some lenders offer 95% and even up to 100%.

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Emergency Funding For House Renovations And Repairs

When there is an existing mortgage on a home, and there is a need for renovations or requirements the best option would be to go for a remortgaging via existing lender or you may do via aa second charge loan. The first mortgage is known as the first charge against the home.

This Emergency Funding can be financed by the same or a different lender but with permission from the first lender. This Emergency Funding For Housing will increase the overall debt amount as well as the duration of repayment. On the other hand, this will reduce the overall interest rate. Essentially, there are two debts against one house as the security.